The Pipeworks Health and Leisure Spa (formerly known as The Garage) is Belfast's FIRST gay spa complex. It is a great place for guys (of all ages) to come to have a relaxing time, enjoy themselves and to be themselves. |
Admission Prices
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24 Hours at Weekends Location
Metropole House, 5 Metropole Lane;; GLASGOW G1 4NH 0141 552 5502 Last Updated: Sep 24th, 2015 Total Views: 1448 Reviews
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(Northwich) 2450 2. Heat Sauna (Manchester) 2158 (Birmingham) 2145 (Sheffield) 2000 5. BASE Leeds (Leeds) 1919 6. Unit2 Sauna (Birmingham) 1803 7. The Stable (London) 1778 8. BASE Sauna (Manchester) 1745 (Newcastle) 1740 (London) 1675 |